
Integration management as added value

Integration management as an added value

Maintaining agility

Over the past 10 years, we’ve seen a constant increase in the need for integration by our customers, largely driven by new solutions coming onto the market that provide specialised solutions for specific problems.   As a result,  our customers are moving away from monolithic systems to a landscape full of strategic applications. This shift has enabled our customers to maintain a lot more agility with the ability to adjust different parts of their application landscape without a large impact on general operations.

These projects end up being a lot cheaper and become far more palatable in enabling benefits to be realised by our customers and our customers’ customers without huge expense and lengthy delivery timeframes. While this shift has been hugely exciting to be involved in it doesn’t come without it’s own challenges. As businesses implement more and more systems, there becomes a greater need for organisations to have defined information management strategies and automated integration between systems. Whilst specialised applications can be hugely beneficial, that benefit can be quickly lost if these applications are not aware of each other, and if there is no centralised view of the customer or the business operations.

A solution that adds value

Integration is one of the Chamonix core services. Assisting customers implementing new systems to ensure those systems are properly onboarded, that key systems of record are identified and that the information flow between the systems aligns with business processes and practices. With the increase in micro solutions, and the growing need for agility in this space, Chamonix has identified that the solution is not always to run an integration project. On-going support and care for an integration environment can differ greatly from our consulting service origins. Chamonix has recognised a number of additional needs from the market. These include:

  • On-going support services where customers need to ensure integrations continue to deliver business value
  • Continuous improvement programs which don’t require a full-time consultant


Chamonix managed services offers customers with a way to access integration services where a project team is not required

Benefits of this approach include:

  • Offload support & shift the burden of compliance
  • Reduce HR overhead through external management of
    • Support roster
    • Staff availability
    • Leave
    • Office space
    • Hardware
  • Longer rostered hours
  • Greater scalability & resource elasticity
  • Wider service capability
  • Dedicated support service freeing internal IT staff
  • Predictable monthly costs
  • Planned and managed continuous improvement program