Sustainability and our Community

Shaping a Sustainable Future with Chamonix

At Chamonix, our passion extends beyond innovative technology solutions; we’re dedicated to nurturing our planet and empowering our community. Recognising the pivotal role businesses play in sustainability, we’ve embraced our responsibility with vigour, aiming to leave a positive, enduring legacy. Our journey is marked by tangible achievements, including a 30% reduction in our carbon footprint over the last year, showcasing our commitment to a greener tomorrow.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

A Greener Today for a Brighter Tomorrow

Energy Efficiency
in Action

Our offices are in energy-efficient buildings with 6 Star Green Star ratings. We use centralised waste management systems to maximise recycling and composting.

Embracing the Digital
Age, Sustainably

Our people work in a hybrid capacity which reduces traffic into the office and our headquarters are in a low emission transport site with employees and visitors able to walk, ride or take public transport We minimise and offset all air travel.

Carbon Neutrality

We're a paperless office, leveraging cloud-based solutions to minimise paper consumption. We utilise reputable providers who share our commitment to sustainability and prioritise responsible practices. In 2022, we established a Net Zero Steering Committee to educate our team and guide our carbon neutrality efforts.

Our Community Engagement

Technology for Good

We believe in the power of technology to transform lives. Our involvement in initiatives like the Push Up Challenge, Vinnies CEO Sleepout, and ARC Lifeblood has not only enriched the lives of Australians but also underscored the potential of technology as a force for positive change.

Diversity in Tech

Building an Inclusive Culture

At Chamonix, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission. Through our Early Careers Program and partnerships with organisations like HerTechPath, we're breaking barriers and fostering a more inclusive tech industry.

Join Us On Our Journey

Join us in harnessing technology for good, driving positive change and building a more inclusive future.
