Our Work

Using Power Apps to survey and audit user data


Our client, a leading tertiary education provider, needed to address the risk of cyber-security attack in the education sector. To aid in the determination of the risk to their organisation, they sought a means to understand the technology in use by their employees.

Chamonix identified a solution to help the client carry out an information audit and determine the software and hardware being used by their academic staff.

To capture the necessary data, a custom survey application was built using Microsoft’s Power Platform. The application contained two surveys to capture the data on both the software and hardware usage, capturing additional Operational, Commercial and Cyber Security information. The hardware survey additionally captured Cyber Risk information, for further analysis by the Cyber Security team, while the software survey captured data to generate knowledge base articles.

Key elements of the system included:

  • Conditional access to the surveys based on user permissions
  • A centralised repository of the saved data
  • Ease of reporting and importing data to other systems
  • The ability to upload files to the organisation’s cloud storage platform
  • A dedicated Microsoft Teams channel for each survey for user help and assistance

Carrying out this information audit will give the client a clear picture of the types of devices and software in use across the organisation, provide additional information for their users and better position them to address the risk of cyber- attacks.

Using the Power Platform tools ensured the rapid deployment of a robust custom solution. By leveraging Chamonix’s expertise in this space, the client has implemented a tailored application that closely meets their specific needs, without compromising on development quality and innovation.